Why Do We Feel Disappointed? The Role of Hope, Expectations, and Reality

Grasping the complexities of the mind is challenging. At times, it races forward with the swiftness of a deer, while at other moments, it slows down, resembling a lethargic tortoise. This duality reflects the unpredictable nature of our thoughts and emotions, making self-understanding a nuanced journey.

Maybe the mind gets tired or it starts feeling dull. Some inabilities disappoint us. Due to this, the mind loses its peace. Nothing good remains. The world starts feeling empty.’

‘It also seems as if a part of us has disappeared. It has broken away from us somewhere, but in reality it does not happen, rather our mind forces us to think so. It is not easy to understand the depth of the mind. Sometimes it runs like a deer, sometimes it becomes a lazy tortoise. It makes us do whatever it wants. Now the question arises, how to convince the mind? The mind moves according to the circumstances. It does what it thinks. We understand the course of life very well, but when the clouds of monotony start gathering in life, then the rising and setting of the sun also seems strange. The heart loses happiness. This is the whirlpool of despair.’

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